由於 JSDC.tw 2014 的緣故,dat project 的 @maxogden, @mafintosh 以及大量 npm module 的作者 @substack 都來到台灣。
想借此機會辦個技術聚會聊一聊新型態的去中心化 data 處理工具。
@maxogden and @mafintosh from the dat project are in town, so is @substack, mostly for JSDC.tw 2014. This is an emergency technical meetup to talk about new kind of data tools in a decetralized world.
Agenda: (tentative)
19:00 - 19:20: chat/intro
19:20 - 19:50: Dat Project intro and demo
19:50 - 20:20: forkdb/wikidb intro and demo
20:00 - late: chat/hack
Ticket: Free but you should order at least one drink from the cafe. They also do local microbrew beer.